
Academic Support Programme

About Us

Gujarat National Law University initiated a creative academic programme during the academic year of 2010-11 to help students, have an opportunity to attend more study classes apart from the regular and scheduled teaching sessions. Christened the 'Academic Support Programme' (ASP), it provides platform for students to share their academic knowledge and help each other in academics. The GNLU ASP acknowledges the fact that all the students who join the University are not on a level playing field because of inequality in society caused by different socio-economic aspects. As a result, each student has a different capacity, ability and interest in their level of commitment to academics. The GNLU ASP gives students an opportunity to create, build and realise their academic potential and emerge collectively to face the modern challenges of society. ASP creates a collective academic strength for student community. When students face a wide variety of problems like language, communication skills and other barriers which affects academics. ASP addresses all these issues. It also promotes social values of mutual cooperation and exchange of knowledge. It also aims to make the GNLU a pool of highly capable students who can venture in any and every field desired by them. The faculty coordinators regularly monitor and counsel students in enriching the programme.

In the previous academic years, the ASP facilitated more than 35 teaching sessions with 27 students as teaching assistants. They helped their juniors and fellow batch mates increase their knowledge and aspiration for academics. Whenever a subject needed informal discussions other than regular classes, the ASP members arranged special sessions on the particular topic taking guidance and inputs from the faculty member of the concerned subject. Participating students deeply appreciated the initiative as it helped them academically and also in establishing more academic/intellectual relations with their colleagues across the university.

The ASP as a team consists of 12 student members, two faculty coordinators with the overall guidance of the Director, Dean and Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs of the university.

GNLU Academic Support Programme Faculty Members

Dr. Jagadeesh Chandra T. G. (Convener)

Assistant Professor of Law

Dr. William Nunes (Co-Convener)

Associate Professor of Political Science

GNLU Academic Support Programme Team | 2022-23