2003-25/1054/01: GNLU Centre for Law and Technology invites manuscripts under the categories of article/essay/case comment/short note/book review for its journal "GNLU Journal of Law and Technology"

0603-25/0830/01: Centre for Women and Child Rights organises the 14-day Certificate Course on Reproductive Justice in India from 10th - 27th March 2025 (Online Mode) as a part of "March for Women", a month-long celebration of International Women’s Day

0503-25/1131/01: Teams Qualified for oral rounds for the Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition Asia Pacific Rounds 2025 to be held in Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar, India (10-12 April, 2025)

0103-25/1351/01: Call For Papers for Volume 15: GNLU Journal of Law, Development and Politics

The GNLU Journal of Law, Development and Politics (GJLDP) is a peer-reviewed Biannual, interdisciplinary journal which focuses on law, development and politics. It is published by the Editorial Board of Gujarat National Law University and is administered by faculty and students of the University.

The purpose of GJLDP is to provide our readers with information on recent developments affecting laws, development and various political issues.

The Journal, like most academic publications, is peer-reviewed with ISSN serial publication No. 0975-0193 and is being published by Eastern Book Company (EBC). The Journal is also being indexed and hosted by HeinOnline. To uphold the quality and validity of individual articles and the overall integrity of the Journals the reviewing process is based on the anonymity of the author and the confidentiality of the reviewer's and editor's report.

GJLDP aims to examine the inter-disciplinary aspect between Law, Development and Politics to initiate discussion and analyze the various issues that are being faced by various nations including India and propose solutions for the same.

As we proceed to unveil the 15th issue of the Journal, we invite contribution to the journal in the form of articles, commentaries, original articles, review articles, book reviews, comments and discussion within the aim and scope of the journal. Please refer to the submission guidelines ( https://gnlu.ac.in/Journal-of-Law-Development-And-Politics/Home ) before submitting your contribution.

3001-25/2327/01: Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition (MLSLMCC), 2025 - Asia Pacific Rounds (Oral Rounds - 10-12 April, 2025 (Rescheduled))

2301-25/1534/01: 1st GCSEL International Conference on Sports Law in the Global South, April 24-25, 2025, (ONLINE)

2101-25/1708/01: Advanced Certificate Course on Indian Judiciary on Medico-Legal issues (2nd February to 23rd March 2025)

2709-24/1427/01: Notification No. SS/01/Req. Documents- OBC-EWS-GD/27092024: Admission through CLAT-2025 under various categories for UG (LL.B)/PG (LL.M.) Programme (s) for the Academic Year 2025-26: Regarding Requisite Documents