• Color Scheme

Past events

2nd Workshop on Empirical & Applied Statistical Software Tools for Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches (IBM SPSS, JASP, NVivo & Others) 4th 9th February, 2025

Three-day workshop titled "A New Paradigm: Crises in World Order – Can and How Law and Economics Handle This Concern?" (7th to 9th January, 2025)

7th International Conference on Economic Analysis of Law, Governance and Public Policy (20-21 January, 2024)

Three Days "Workshop on Advanced Applied Statistics using IBM SPSS and JASP for Legal Studies" (6th to 8th September, 2024)

6th GCLE International Conference on Economic Analysis of Law, Governance and Public Policy on 18th-19th March 2023

A Glance of the Fourth Round of the Panel Discussion on the Examining the Practical Challenges Associated With the CIRP with Emphasis on Workable Solutions on 18th March 2023

A Glance of the Third Round of the Panel Discussion on the Impact Assessment of the Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process : Future Prospects and Practical Challenges organised by the GNLU Centre for Law and Economics on 21st January, 2023

A Glance of the Second Round of the Panel Discussion on the Impact Assessment of the Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process : Future Prospects and Practical Challenges organised by the GNLU Centre for Law and Economics on 4th January, 2023

A Glance of the First Round of the Panel Discussion on the Impact Assessment of the Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process : Future Prospects and Practical Challenges organised by the GNLU Centre for Law and Economics on 28th December, 2022

3rd GNLU Workshop on Law and Economics: Theories & Applications (12 to 18 September 2022)

5th GNLU International Conference on Law, Economics & Public Policy (10 to 11 March 2022)

04th GNLU Essay Competition on Law and Economics (2021)

2nd GNLU Workshop on Research in Law and Economics (09-13 August, 2021)

GNLU International Conference on Economics Analysis of Law and Governance: Young Researchers/Scholars Edition (18-21 March, 2021)

GNLU Academy on Law and Economics (25th August- 30th August 2020)
  • Gujarat National Law University, under the aegis of the Centre for Law and Economics has organized GNLU Academy on Law and Economics from 25th August to 30th August 2020. The Academy was a unique learning experience and a platform meant solely for growth in research and interest in the interdisciplinary study of law and economics. The Academy was a 6 day long programme where 26 resource persons have been invited to speak upon different interplays among legal arenas and economic tools. It touched numerous legal fields such as Competition Law, Constitutional Law, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Laws, Finance Law, Law and Technology, Security Laws, Taxation Laws, Criminal Laws, Law of Contract and many more.

    The Academy witnessed international experts in the field of Law and Economics namely, Prof. Thomas Ulen, Professor Emeritus of Law, University of Illinois College of Law, Prof. Tom Ginsburg, Leo Spitz Professor of International Law and Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, Prof. Nuno Garoupa, Professor of Law, George Mason University, Antonin Scalia Law School, Prof. Hans Bernd Schäfer, Professor Emeritus at the University of Hamburg, Germany. Furthermore, the Indian stalwarts in the field of Law and Economics namely, Prof. Ram Singh, Professor of Economics at Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, Prof. PM Prasad, Professor, Department of Economic Sciences, IIT Kanpur and Prof. Anurag Agarwal, Professor of Law and Strategy at IIM Ahmedabad. will also grace the academy with their presence. The Valedictory ceremony was graced by presence of Prof. G. Raghuram, Director, Indian Institute of Management, Bengaluru. In the presence of 114 participants comprising of Students, Research Scholars, Academicians and Professionals, the Academy aims at empowering them explore the legal areas through an outlook focusing upon the greatest good to respective stakeholders. It helped them to identify limitations and functions and solutions to improve the quality of respective legal fields.
  • Academy Proceedings
"Two Days Workshop on Applied Statistics using 'R' Programming language for Legal Studies" (14-15 March, 2020)
  • GNLU Centre for Law and Economics had organized Two Days Workshop on Applied Statistics using ‘R’ Programming language for legal studies - 14th and 15th March 2020 at Gujarat National Law University. The duration of the workshop was 2 days. The workshop has been successfully organized with the great support from our resource persons namely Dr. Dhaval Maheta, Assistant Professor, Department of Business and Industrial Management, Veer Narmad South Gujarat University; and Dr. Hitesh Parmar, Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, Sardar Patel University. The motto of the workshop was to equip the participants with the tools of Applied Statistics using R Programming for Legal Studies, with which they will be able to carry out advanced and detailed research activities, which have been duly satisfied. There were a total of 15 participants comprising a mixture of Students, PhD. Scholars, Research Scholars and Faculties from various streams and universities.

    Day 1 witnessed an inaugural address from Prof. S. Shanthakumar, Vice-Chancellor, Gujarat National Law University where he mentioned about the relevance of analysis of the quantitative data in the empirical research in the modern research demands. Further, Prof. Ranita Nagar, Centre Director, Centre for Law and Economics addressed the participants and shed some light upon the necessity of analyzing law and policies with quantifiable empirical data and the greater picture it can put forward in the research. On the day 1, the sessions were taken Dr. Hitesh Parmar, Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, Sardar Patel University and subsequently the baton was handed over to Dr. Dhaval Maheta, Assistant Professor, Department of Business and Industrial Management, Veer Narmad South Gujarat University for the day 2.
One-day seminar on Economic Analysis of Constitutional Law (21 September, 2019)
  • GNLU CLE organised a One-day seminar on Economic Analysis of Constitutional Law (21st September 2019) with Prof. Dr. Tom Ginsburg, BA, JD and PhD from the University of California, Berkeley, Leo Spitz Professor of International Law, Ludwig and Hilde Wolf Research Scholar and Professor of Political Science, University of Chicago. A C. Herman Pritchett and APSA best book prize awardee, he currently directs the Comparative Constitutions Project. Before entering the field of teaching, he served as the legal adviser at the Iran-US Claims Tribunal at The Hague, Netherlands.

    The Seminar on Economic Analysis of Constitutional Law was preceded by Welcome Address by Prof. (Dr.) Mamata Biswal, Dean, Academic affairs, Gujarat National Law University. During the seminar, Prof. Ginsburg Discussed the economic analysis of Constitutional law requires an understanding of the current problems with democracy as well as knowledge on the consequences of decisions regarding the nature of the constitution and its amendments. For instance, current problems of majoritarian laws which often overlook minority opinions requires checks and balances in the governance system.

    Dr. Ranita Nagar then highlighted a pertinent problem of various small amendments having the power to change the entire constitutions. To this, Dr. Ginsburg gave a possible solution. Citing examples like that of the Supreme Court during 1970s, Dr. Ginsburg suggested that checks and balances already exist in the current paradigm that keep the basic structure of the constitutions alive.

    There were a total 78 participants from various stream and Universities.
"2nd Essay Competition on Law and Economics", Winner's
"One day Seminar on IBC: The efficiency mechanism in Practice” (27 July, 2019)
  • GNLU Centre for Law and Economics organized a one day seminar with Mr Dhinal Shah and Mr. Vishal N Joishar from Ernst and Young LLP, Ahmedabad and Mumbai respectively, Mr. Vinit Nagar from M/s Vinit Nagar & Co. Erstwhile M/s Dave Nagar & Associates, Ahmedabad on “IBC The Efficiency Mechanism in Practice”, on 27th July 2019.

    The Seminar on Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code was preceded by Welcome Address by Prof. (Dr.) S Shanthakumar, Director, Gujarat National Law University. This was followed by Introduction and brief Background of the IBC by Prof. (Dr.) Mamata Biswal, Dean of Academic Affairs. She briefly discussed emerging issues like conflict between SEBI, NCLT and IBBI and concluded with an emphasis on the need to introduce further reforms in the Code.

    The first Guest Speaker for the day was Mr. Dhinal Shah, Partner, Ernst & Young LLP, Ahmedabad. He started with reasons for introduction of the IBC in India and stated that our domestic law follows the UK insolvency principle of Debtor in possession to Creditor in Control. The second part of the Seminar was a session on the Bidding Process under IBC – Three Dimensional Art by Mr. Vishal N Joishar, Executive Director, Ernst & Young, Mumbai. Mr. Vinit Nagar, M/s Vinit Nagar & Co., Ahmedabad, the next speaker focused on practical aspects such as filing of application and the process post application under the Code.

    Dr. Hiteshkumar Thakkar, Assistant Professor of Economics at GNLU also contributed himself as a resource person. He started the session by posing some questions challenging the understanding of the audience, which was a nice change of pace. He moved to his topic which was Economic Analysis of IBC through various dilemmas such as free entry vs free exit, debtor centric measures vs creditor centric measures, incentive vs sanction and others.

    “We live and breathe IBC” declared Prof. (Dr.) Ranita Nagar, Center Director, Centre for Law and Economics at the very beginning of her session. She moved to analyze the NPA problem in India from a historical perspective beginning with Nationalization of banks in 1969.
    The duration of the seminar was 7 hours. There were a total 34 participants from various stream and Universities.
Six Days Workshop on Advanced Applied Statistics using IBM SPSS & IBM SPSS AMOS for Legal Studies (5th to 7th April, 2019 & 12th to 14th April, 2019)
  • GNLU Centre for Law and Economics had organized Workshop on Advanced Applied Statistics using IBM SPSS & IBM SPSS AMOS for Legal Studies (5th to 7th April, 2019 & 12th to 14th April, 2019) at Gujarat National Law University. The duration of the workshop was 36 hours.

    The workshop has been successfully organized with the great support from our resource persons namely Dr. Gaurang Rami, Professor, Department of Economics, Veer Narmad South Gujarat University; Dr. Dhaval Maheta, Assistant Professor, Department of Business and Industrial Management, Veer Narmad South Gujarat University; and Dr. Hitesh Parmar, Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, Sardar Patel University.

    The motto of the workshop was to equip the participants with the tools of Applied Statistics using IBM SPSS & IBM SPSS AMOS for Legal Studies, with which they will be able to carry out advanced and detailed research activities, which have been duly satisfied.

    There were a total of 22 participants comprising a mixture of Students, PhD. Scholars, Research Scholars and Faculties from various streams and universities.
“Certificate Course on Economics of International Law” (25th to 29th March, 2019)
  • GNLU Centre for Law and Economics has conducted a “Certificate Course on Economics of International Law” from 25th to 29th March, 2019 at Gujarat National Law University. The duration of the course was 16 hours.

    The key resource person for the Course was Prof. Dr. Regis Lanneau, French academician and Co-Director of the Masters Program in Economic Regulation at University Paris Nanterre, France. Dr. Hiteshkumar Thakkar, Assistant Professor of Economics at GNLU also contributed himself as a resource person.

    During the certificate course, Dr. Regis Lanneau discussed on various concepts related to economics of international law such as ‘An economic approach: Why do we need international law?’, ‘Customary international law from the point of view of game theory’, ‘International treaties from the point of view of game theory with relevance of a. International treaties and b. the bargaining and content of international treaties’ and Sir had also discussed on should we need a global government for addressing global issues or not?

    Dr. Hitesh Thakkar discussed on ‘Issues and challenges of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) in the field of International Economics Law.’

    As the evaluation process, participants presented their various projects related to Economics of International law. There were a total of 14 participants consist of students and academics from GNLU and outside.

    Centre had also organized an open session on “Economic Analyses of Law of the Sea” in continuation of certificate course.
Open Session on “Empirical Legal Methods in Criminal Law” (19th March, 2019)
  • GNLU Centre for Law and Economics had organized an Open Session on “Empirical Legal Methods in Criminal Law” on 19th March, 2019 at Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar. The said session was for one and half hour. The resource person for the lecture was Prof. (Dr.) Mrinal Satish, Professor of Law, National Law University, Delhi. During the session, sir had discussed and elaborated about sentencing policy in India with regards to rape offenders. Sir emphasized on the rape law amendments during the year 1984 to 2013 as well as in the year 2018. He also explained about the various committee recommendations on the Uniform Sentencing Policy. The said session had been organized specially for 2016 batch of GNLU students. However, students from other universities had also attended the lecture.
Skype lecture on "Economics of Crime" (26 February, 2019)
  • GNLU Centre for Law and Economics had organized a skype lecture on “Economics of Crime” on 26th February, 2019 at Gujarat National Law University. The duration of lecture was one hour. The resource person for the lecture was Professor Nuno Garoupa, Professor of Law, Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development & Faculty Director of Graduate Studies, George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School.

    During the session, sir had discussed about incentives, normative analysis, cost analysis, probability and rationality in law and economics. Sir had commented with one sentence “We prefer Certain against Uncertain” with regards to probability and sanctions.

    The said lecture had been organized specially for 2016 batch of GNLU students. The Centre members of Centre for Law and Economics and SRDC members were also the part of the session.
A skype lecture on Agency Cost (22nd January, 2019)
  • GNLU Centre for Law and Economics had organized a skype lecture on “Agency Cost” on 22nd January, 2019 at Gujarat National Law University. The duration of lecture was 1 hour. The resource person for the lecture was Prof. Ehud Kamar, Professor of Law and Director of the Batya and Isachar Fischer Center for Corporate Governance and Capital Market Regulation, Tel Aviv University. During the session, sir had discussed and elaborated that how the idea of Corporate Law used for minimizing agency cost in the firm. The lecture had been organized specially for 2016 batch of GNLU students.
3rd Annual Quiz on Law & Economics” (12 October 2018)
  • The GNLU Centre for Law & Economics had organized “3rd Annual Quiz on Law & Economics” on 12th October 2018 as the part of its capacity building programme.

    This year, the quiz saw a large number of participants with 28 teams. The first round consisted of 20 Multiple-Choice questions to be answered by every team while the second round saw each team answering questions designed to have one-word or one-sentence answers. The third round gave an opportunity to the 5 qualifying teams to apply economic tools to a hypothetical situation and was adjudged by Dr. Ranita Nagar and Dr. Hitesh Thakkar.

    Centre has given prize money in a total amount to 12000/- rupees to first five winning teams. Top 2 teams reached an impasse owing to the non-cooperative outcomes, the 1st position remains unclaimed. At the second position, there were two teams consists of Samira Mathias & Ruha Shetty, Sanchit Suri & Ashwini Kumar Tak. A team of Smrithi Bhaskar & Shruti Trikanad secured the third position. On fourth and fifth position, there were teams of Samidha Mathur & Renuka Naik, Anuraag Pillai & Shubham Tiwary respectively.

    The Quizmasters were Shivdutt Trivedi & Shikhar Maniar.
Training Programme on Advanced Applied Statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics for Legal Studies (13-16 September 2018)
  • GNLU Centre for Law and Economics had organized Training Programme on “Advanced Applied Statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics for Legal Studies” from 13th to 16th September 2018. The duration of the course was 22 hours. The key resource person for the Course was Dr. Guarag Rami, Professor, Department of Economics, Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat. Dr. Viral Pandya, Co-Dean of Faculty and Academic Affairs Associate Professor of Management, GNLU; Dr. Vipul Patel, Associate Professor, Shanti Business School, VU-GNU Centre of Excellence, Ahmadabad and Dr. Ritesh Patel, Assistant Professor, Centre for Governance Systems, GTU had also given their contribution as a resource persons to make this training programme more successful. The motto of the training programme was to encourage the participants towards more on empirical research by use of IBM SPSS Statistic.

    During the sessions of four days, Dr. Gaurang Rami had broadly covered topics which includes types of data and scale of measurements, questionnaire preparation and introduction of IBM SPSS statistics, frequency distribution and charts, descriptive statistics of measures of central tendency and measures of dispersions, multiple response analysis, parametric tests and non-parametric tests, correlation analysis, analysis of association, regression analysis, multivariate analysis and lastly time series analysis.

    Dr. Viral Pandya sir had covered Contemporary Case Analysis, Dr. Vipul Patel had covered Developing Scales in research while Dr. Ritesh Patel had covered Cluster Analysis with SPSS.

    There were a total of 16 participants comprising a mixture of Students, PhD. Scholars, Research Scholars and Faculties from various streams.
Certificate Course on Economics of Constitutional Law (27-31 August, 2018)
  • GNLU Centre for Law and Economics has conducted a “Certificate Course on Economics of Constitutional Law” from 27th to 31st August, 2018. The duration of the course was 15 hours. The resource person for the Course was Prof. Dr. Regis Lanneau, French academician and Director of undergraduate program in Law and Economics as well as co-director of the Masters Program in Economic Regulation at University Paris West Nanterre la Defense. Dr. Hiteshkumar Thakkar, Assistant Professor of Economics at GNLU also contributed himself as a resource person. During the course, participants got ideas about tools and techniques used in the study of Economics of Constitutional law. This certificate course covered various topics like representation and democratic election, understanding the legislative process, rent seeking and constitutions matter for economic development etc. Apart from that as a evaluation process, participants presented their various projects related to Economics of Constitutional law. There were a total of 57 participants including participants from outside India.
Training Programme on Applied Statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics for Legal Studies
  • GNLU Centre for Law and Economics has conducted a “Training Programme on Applied Statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics for legal Studies” from 03 - 04 February, 2018. The duration of the course was 12 hours. Dr. Gaurang Rami, Professor of Economics, Veer Narmad South Gujarat University was the resource person for the training programme. It basically focused upon different Data Types, Measures of Location, Variability, Shape and Association between variables, Descriptive Statistics, Multiple Response Analysis, Correlation Analysis and Regression Analysis.
Certificate Course on Economics of Regulation and Globalisation
  • Center for Law and Economics has organized a 'Certificate Course on Economics of Regulation and Globalisation' on 12th February 2018. The duration of the course was 15 hours, spread across lectures from 12th to 16th February 2018. The Guest Faculty for the Course is Prof. Dr. Regis Lanneau. He is a respected French academician and Director of undergraduate program in Law and Economics as well as co-director of the Masters Program in Economic Regulation at University Paris West Nanterre la Defense. The Certificate Course addressed questions ranging from accountability standards to environmental and human rights treaties, to WTO regulation and arbitration.
Special Lecture Series on Traditional and Contemporary Issues in Law and Economics
  • Center for Law and Economics has organised a Special Lecture Series on traditional and Contemporary Issues in the field of Law and Economics from January – April 2018. The Objective of the programme was to engage lectures of the eminent persons in the field of Law and Economics. The lectures were engaged by Mr. Ajit Sahijwani, Advocate Gujarat High Court on Issues of Rising NPAs: Available Legal Remedies [RDB Act, SARFAESI Act and IBC] in addressing the problem of NPAs, Mr. Avinash Ganu, Founder, Avinash Ganu and Associates Law Firm on Law and Economics of Corporate Law, Prof. Thomas Ulen on Behavioral and Empirical Law and Economics.
3rd International Conference on Law & Economics

The Third International Conference on Law & Economics was hosted by IIM Ahmedabad on 18-19 November, 2017. The Chief Guest of Honour for the Conference was Honorable Justice Mr. A. K. Sikri, Judge Supreme Court of India. The Conference was graced by the world-renowned experts in the field of Law and Economics. The themes of the Conference were as follows

  • Basic Areas of Law and Economics: Property, Contract, Tort Law and Product Liability, Forensic
  • Economics, Criminal Law, Civil Law, Common Law, Constitutional and Election Law.
  • Regulation and Business: Antitrust, Business and Securities, Regulated Industries, Business and Cyber, Real Estate.
  • Economics of Legal Procedure, the Legal System: Litigation Process, Illegal Behavior and Law Enforcement
  • Other Substantive Areas of Law and Economics: Labor, Energy, Environmental, Health, and Safety, International, Tax, Bankruptcy, Family and Personal, Immigration, Human Rights, Gender.
The Guest Lecture on Coal in India 2017 - A Comprehensive Analysis of the Legal Trends in the Coal Sector
  • The GNLU-GUVNL Research Fellowship on Energy Law and Policy in collaboration with the Center for Law and Economics has organizing a "Guest Lecture on Coal in India 2017 - A Comprehensive Analysis of the Legal Trends in the Coal Sector" on 6th October, 2017. The lecture will be delivered by a man of name and repute, Dr. M.P. Rammohan, an Associate Professor of IIM Ahmedabad, who has also been on the Advisory Board of SEBI.
Special Lecture Series on Law and Economics of Company Law
  • Centre for Law and Economics held a special lecture on Law and Economics of Company Law on 28th September. The resource person for the lecture, Dr. Matteo Smacchi has done his Ph.D in Law and Economics from Luiss "Guido Carli" University of Rome on Matter of Law Compared and also taken part in many conferences pertaining to this matter. The lecture was basically focused on the practical aspect of the relation between Company Law and Economics.
Workshop on Applied Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics for Legal Studies
  • CLE has organized for an Econometrics Course to be conducted from 23-24th September 2017. The aim of the course was to enable the participants with an ability to use empirical data and analyse them subsequently to give a fruitful conclusion to their research project. It basically focused upon different Data Types, Measures of Location, Variability, Shape and Association between variables, Descriptive Statistics, Multiple Response Analysis, Correlation Analysis and Regression Analysis. Further, the Course will be conducted by Mr. Gaurang Rami, Professor of Economics at Veer Namad South Gujarat University.
2nd Law and Economics Quiz
  • CLE conducted a quiz on Law & Economics as part of its capacity building programme on 13th September 2017 within GNLU itself. This year, the quiz saw a large number of participants with 28 teams. The first round consisted of 20 Multiple-Choice questions to be answered by every team while the second round saw each team answering questions designed to have one-word or one-sentence answers.

    The final and deciding round gave an opportunity to the 4 qualifying teams to apply economic tools to a hypothetical situation and was adjudged by Dr. Ranita Nagar, Dr. Hitesh Thakkar and Prof. Marisport The first prize went to Anushka Shah and Sanskriti Sanghvi, Vijetha Hosamani and Gaurav Manikesh were declared Runners-Up and the third place went Muizz Drabu and Siddhant Khetawat. The quiz was conducted by Shivdutt Trivedi and Sanchit Suri.
Certificate Course on Economics Analysis of Regulation
  • CLE initiated Certificate Course on Economic Analysis of Regulations in March 2017.The Guest Faculty for the Course was Dr. Regis Lanneau. The other resource persons of the course include Prof. (Dr.) Ranita Nagar, Dean of Research Department and Director of Centre for Law & Economics and Dr. Hiteshkumar Thakkar, Assistant Professor of Economics at GNLU.
2nd International Conference on Law and Economics (IIT-Kanpur on 3rd And 4th September, 2016).
  • The 2nd International Conference on Law & Economics was hosted by IIT Kanpur on 3-4 September, 2016. This conference saw the establishment of the first ever Indian Association of Law and Economics (IALE), a national not-for-profit association.
First Law and Economics Quiz
  • The Centre for Law and Economics at Gujarat National Law University organized a quiz on Law and Economics as part of its capacity building objective. The quiz was conducted on the 29th of August 2016. Prize Money of Rs. 2000, Rs. 1500 and Rs. 1000 was offered to teams securing the first, second and third place respectively. 20 Teams of enthusiasts participated in the quiz. The winner of this quiz competition was a team of two second year students- Armaan Gupta and Akhila Anand. Muizz Drabu and Siddhant Khetawat were runners up and Nikhila Dewasthale and Aditi Gupta bagged the third position. The quiz was conducted by Shivansh Agarwal, Ifrah Shaikh, Vishal Sinha and Mrudul Desai
Advanced Certificate Course on Economic Analysis of Constitutional Law
  • CLE initiated the Certificate Course on Economic Analysis of Constitutional Law in August, 2015. The Guest Faculty for the Course was Dr. Regis Lanneau. He is the Director of undergraduate program in Law & Economics as well as co-director of the Master's Program in Economic Regulation at University Paris West Nanterre la Defense.
Coase's Army
  • Under the aegis of the Student Research Development Council (SRDC), GNLU's Law & Economics Interest Group, Coase's Army, was established in March 2015. Coase's Army is a student research interest group that aims to raise awareness of and knowledge in Law & Economics as well as engage in research to create new insights into legal principles, especially in Indian law. It is named after Ronald Coase, who was an economist and professor at the University of Chicago Law School. It organizes activities like capacity building exercises, discussion forums and so on. The members of the groups are offered research opportunities for various events and projects. There is a world of activities that the group plans to engage in. From capacity-building and knowledge-sharing to project proposals and presentations, from lectures on introductory concepts to connecting within the groups with people who share interests, from policy papers for government departments to blog posts for laymen. By guiding students through the basic tools and the unique concepts in the subject (including applications in property, tort, contract and criminal law), the group hopes to show how economic perspectives can provide astonishingly clear rationales for common legal rules and how there is much that can yet be done in the field.
1st International Conference on Law & Economics
  • It was hosted by GNLU which was organized on 14-15 March, 2015. The event was an unprecedented one on two levels as, firstly, India had never before seen a conference in the field of Law & Economics on such a scale, drawing academicians, scholars, practitioners, government officials and subject experts from across the country and the world.
Advanced Certificate Course on Principles of Law and Economics Applied To Construction Contracts
  • CLE organized a week-long course in January 2015 on Principles of Law & Economics which could be applied to Construction Contracts. The course was designed to give the recipients both a holistic view of Law & Economics as a discipline and provide opportunities to explore specific areas that are affected by its application.

    The resource person for the Course was Dr. Henrik Lando, Professor of Law & Economics, Copenhagen Business School in the Department of Law, CBS, Department of Private Law, and University of Oslo. Secondly, never before had an event seen the collaboration of a National Law University, an Indian Institute of Management and an Indian Institute of Technology.
Basic Certificate Course on Law and Economics
  • The Basic Course gave larger insights in subjects ranging from Contract Law & Economics to Corporate Law, Competition Law, Intellectual Property Rights, Property Law, Law of Torts and Criminal Law with special reference to anti-rape law (in light of the recent Delhi gang rape incident) and its study with the help of precise economic parameters.
Advanced Certificate Course on Law and Economics
  • CLE has organized an Advanced Course in Law and economics in January 2014 with Dr. Ariel Porat as the as the key resource person. He is Alain Poher Professor of Law at Tel Aviv University and Fischel- Neil Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law at the University of Chicago.