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GNLU Issues In Science, Law and Ethics (Blog)

GNLU Issues In Science, Law and Ethics (Blog):

About Us:

The developments in the different fields of science and technology, its pervasiveness amongst the application in daily life and escalating number of legal issues revolving around these fields, is resulting focus on lawyers possessing an eclectic mixture of knowledge of science and technology with the law. This unique marriage of the science and law has developed over the years, a separate demand for such lawyers. The club aims to provide a platform for creation of the academic blend of science and law by raising awareness, holding capacity building programmes not limiting to conferences, quizzes, and talks amongst the student community at the University ultimately enhancing the acumen and quality of research at regional, national and international levels and build responsible future lawyers enabling them to contribute to the society.

Editorial Board:

Faculty Advisors: Dr. Thomas Mathew (Convenor), Dr. Anjani Singh Tomar, Ms. Heena Goswami

Student Members:


Managing Editor: Adhira Menon

Editor(s): Ms. Eilin Maria Baiju, Ms. Madona Barman

Alumni Editor(s): Ms. Kelly Dhru, Mr. Rohin Bhatt

You Can find the blog at- gnluisle.wordpress.com

Contact Us:

Dr. Thomas Mathew

Professor of Science and Technology
Head of Centre, GCLT
Gujarat National Law University,
Attalika Avenue, Knowledge Corridor, Koba,
Gandhinagar-382426, Gujarat.

Email: lextech@gnlu.ac.in